Asura: Tale of the Vanquished, available in paperback, is a novel which narrates the epic tale of Ramayana from Ravan's and Bhadra's point of view. This book has tried to break out of the monotony of narrating stories from the victor's perspective. The story is a combination of history, religion and mythology. This book tries to debunk the faults of the Deva clan, which is portrayed as orthodox and biased. It talks about the liberty the Asura community enjoyed. The story of Vamana and Mahabali is described, along with the Agni Pareeksha undergone by Sita and the meeting between Jataya and Ravana. The human emotions behind these tales are looked into in a different angle. There is an attempt to keep a new perspective in front of people in a logical manner, regarding the various practices from the epic tale. The book makes the readers think about the unreasonable practices followed by the Brahmins then. Apart from that, Asura: Tale of the Vanquished: The Story of Ravana and his People introduces questions about Ravana's lifestyle, choices and decisions. From Ravana's challenge to the Gods for his daughter, to setting people from the Deva clan free from evil, the book aims to make the readers think. Asura: Tale of the Vanquished: The Story of Ravana and his People , the first edition, was published on 25th April, 2012. It's a detailed piece of work and has twists and turns every now and then, keeping the reader gripped.
Key Features:
- This book was amongst the top names in the 2012 Crossword and also on CNN IBN's bestseller list.
- The book is being translated into many languages like Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu and Italian.
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