The Witches is a children’s book written by Roald Dahl and narrates the story of a 7-year-old boy who goes to live with his Norwegian grandmother after the death of his parents in a car accident. The story is amusing and terrifying in equal measure as Roald Dahl weaves the story around the central topic of witches and the duo’s adventure.
The boy is enthralled by his grandmother’s stories but he is especially intrigued by the story about witches. She tells him that she knows of five children who have been cursed by witches. She tells him that she knows some of the most cruel witches who turn children into bugs and fleas. She also reveals that witches in every country have different customs and they follow different rituals. She warns him about the Grand Witch who visits each council in the respective countries each year.
The young boy scrutinizes every woman to see if she is a witch. The book follows their journey when the grandmother falls ill with pneumonia and their holiday in Norway is cancelled. They instead go to a luxury hotel in the countryside and they encounter a witch there. These witches dress as normal women and hate children. The grandmother and the child then devise a plan to get rid of them before they do.
The re-issue edition of the book was published in the year 2013 by Penguin UK and is available in paperback.
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